Monday, October 12, 2015

51 - Tuscarawas County Class B Basketball All-Stars

*Senior Dale Renner (Strasburg) - Senior John Zeigler (Strasburg) - Senior Carl Passocra (Midvale)*

*Sophomore Rich Tolotti (Midvale) - Junior Loris Hostetler (Dundee) - Junior Dean Huprich (Baltic)*

*********Senior Jerry Rausch (Tuscarawas) - Senior Ron Kohl (Gnadenhutten)*********

DOVER - The Strasburg Tigers, county tournament Champions and Co-Champions of the County League and the Midvale Blue Devils tournament Runner-up and another League Co-Champiion dominated The Daily Reporter's All-Star Basketball Team.  Each gained 2-berths on the mythical team.  The 8 men who made the All-Star Roster this year, Reporter sports writers considered season play in addition to tournament play.

Although tournament performance outweighed season records in the final choice, 2 of the men chosen made the select list partly on the basis of play in the League campaign.  With so many outstanding individual performances to consider, it was decided to draw a line and choose only 8 players for the All-Star Team, this year.

Strasburg's John Zeigler and Dale Renner were given berths.  Zeigler because of a sparkling tournament performance with the Champions and Renner both on the basis of tourney and season play.  It was Zeigler's offense power in the title game with Midvale which opened the way for the Champions.  Renner had a fine tournament record and was outstanding in the Tigers' drive for a share of the League title.

The Midvale Blue Devils placed Rich Tolotti, a sensational Sophomore and the veteran Carl Pissocra, on the All-Star Team.  It was Tolotti's performance in the Gnadenhutten Indians and Strasburg game which won his berth.  He was an offensive stickout.  The steady Pissocra was the backbone of Midvale's attack and defense; although, he did not score in high figures.

Baltic's brilliant forward, Dean Huprich, was given a berth, largely on the basis of season play.  It was Ruprich's sparkling play which led the Eagles to 6 straight County League victories.  Although Huprich and the Eagles did not pick up any blue chips in the tournament, the Baltic spark-plug could not be overlooked in the final selections.

Loris Hostetler of Dundee richly deserves a berth with the Stars and was awarded that berth.  It was mostly on the basis of Hostetler's offensive ability that the Bulldogs annexed their 1st Championship Trophy and gained a spot in the Sectional Tournament.  His 32 points against the favored Tuscarawas Broncos in the pay-off round last week was about the best in the county meet.  Jerry Rausch, Tusky marksman, won his berth solely on the basis of offensive ability.  His team was eliminated, but Rausch caught on with that push shot and was a deadly weapon.

Gnadenhutten's Ron Kohl is the 8th member of the squad.  Kohl rated high because of his performance against Midvale.  Many fine players were regulated to Honorable Mention berths, but competition was so close and keen that some were necessarily forced to accept a 2nd position.


Sophomore Jim Syler (Baltic Eagles)
Senior Junior Geers (Bolivar Cardinals)
Sophomore Delvin Haut (Bolivar Cardinals)
Junior Louis Hostetler (Dundee Bulldogs)
Junior Curtis Beamer (Dundee Bulldogs)
Junior Jerry (Ted) Martin (Gnadenhutten Indians)
Junior Bill Marshall (Midvale Blue Devils)
Sophomore Ellsworth Tope (Mineral City Tigers)
Freshman Ken Huston (Port Washington Purple Riders)
Junior Delano Kees (Port Washington Purple Riders)
Junior Willis Ridenour (Stone Creek Golden Panthers)
Sophomore Jerry Gasser (Stone Creek Golden Panthers)
Senior Jim Reiger (Strasburg Tigers)
Junior Dale Bayer (Strasburg Tigers)
Senior John Lanzer (Sugarcreek-Shanesville Pirates)
Senior Dale Rehard (Sugarcreek-Shanesville Pirates)
Senior Bill Tharp (Tuscarawas Broncos)

Monday, February 26, 1951
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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