Saturday, March 24, 2012

22 - Physical Class For All Youth

DOVER - A bill to require training in schools is being introduced in the legislature.  The Bill makes physical education a part of the training for all Ohio boys and girls to be placed before the legislators in January of this year with strong backing of the American Legion, The Parent-Teacher Association and the Ohio State Teachers Assocation.  This bill seeks to amend the present law which makes physical education compulsory in cities by extending its provisions to all school districts city, exempted village and county.

Pupils in the elementary schools and high schools of the state are to be given not less than one hundred minutes per week of physical training, in addition to the regular work in physiology and hygiene, if this suggested bill is enacted into law.  Modified courses are to be provided for pupils unable to take the course designed for normal children.

Institutions for such training of teachers in the state must include courses in physical education and no state-wide certificate to teach is to be granted after June 1, 1924, to persons who have not had such work in  physical education.  The intention of this proposed requirement is to make it  possible for physial training to be carried on under the direction of the regular class room teacher without any added expense.

Monday, December 11, 1922
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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